Feb 19, 2010

The Son Of God

Lets take a step back in time a few years, 1998.
It was a late spring evening in Southern Vermont. The sky was clear that day so the ground was still warm from the glowing sun. I and a few friends where spending the evening by the river enjoying a few cocktails, Mikes Hard Cider if my memory serves me correctly. The rocks on the beach where starting to cause me discomfort, so I ventured off for a short walk. I trucked up a small hill that lead me into an alfalfa field. With the glowing moon the beach ball size bushes looked like small heads of hair, or tumble weed stuck on tree branches. I'm not sure what, but something drew me into the field, I walk accorse as if on a cloud not evening slowing for the bushes below. BAM,down I went. There is a moment of time missing, but when I roled over all I saw was a glowing rainbow of light, and a figure emerging from it. It was Jesus! Not knowing what was going on at that moment I just stared googly eyed. He should tall, hands on his hips, and said, " Dude get up." I expected something more profound from the son of god, but that was it. He turned, and floated into nothingness.

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